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Large animal archives


January 2024

Advising suckler herds on IBR control following Beef Welfare Scheme testing

February 2024

BTM and national surveillance of jd

March 2024

Hourly distribution of time of calving in spring-calving suckler cows

April 2024

The cost of lameness in Irish dairy herds

July 2024

IBR testing results in Irish beef herds – NBWS 2023

September 2024

Reducing our dependence on anthelmintics for livestock


January 2023

Assessing the risk of re-emergence of BVD

February 2023

Assessing the risk of re-emergence of BVD

March 2023

The Irish BVD Young Stock Check Test Pilot 2022: Outcomes

April 2023

Key aspects of biosecurity to prevent BVD infection pre-breeding

May 2023

A new approach to mastitis control

June 2023

Impact of the Irish Johne’s Control Programme on calf mortality

July 2023

DECIDE project: from data to decisions

August 2023

Consulting for preventative parasite control – 2022 Parasite Control TASAH results

September 2023

Motivational interviewing in veterinary practice

October 2023

Cattle disease control programmes in Europe

December 2023

Liver fluke trends in Ireland


March 2022

Parasite control: starting the conversation 

April 2022

Testing for Johne’s disease in Ireland

May 2022

Prudent Prescribing of Antibiotics: Focusing on Intramammary Antibiotics

June 2022

The role of bulk tank milk testing in monitoring BVD and IBR

July 2022

Panels for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of bovine mastitis pathogens

August 2022

Initial Lessons from the Sheep Parasite Control Pilot TASAH

September 2022

Current Irish dairy herd biosecurity practices and economics

October 2022

Individual animal serology for monitoring herds for BVD

November 2022

Pig HealthCheck Dashboards – what you see?

December 2022

Moving away from Blanket Dry Cow Therapy: Key messages from CellCheck


January 2021

Coccidiosis in ruminants: the inevitable infection

February 2021

Moving away from blanket dry-cow therapy – what about the higher-risk herds?
With fewer than 12 months to go until new European regulations come into force regarding the use of veterinary medicines, Dr Catherine McAloon, UCD and colleagues in the CellCheck Technical Working Group, explore what is involved in the move away from blanket dry-cow therapy and the journey that some of the higher-risk farms will have to take in order to comply

March 2021

The latest thinking and practices in milk-fever mitigation
John Lawlor MSc BComm HND and managing director,  Anchor Life Science Ltd, has worked in animal health and nutrition since 2010 in various roles associated with dry-cow feeding, heifer rearing, and negative DCAD transition cow diets.  Here, he applies his knowledge of calcium and transition cow nutrition to explore milk fever, its costs and treatments

April 2021

The use of sex-sorted semen in Irish dairy farming
Lauren Popiolek DVM BSA veterinary technical advisor, Interchem (Ireland) Ltd, explores sex-sorted semen, its benefits, the factors that influence its success, and herd implementation

May 2021

Pre-breeding management of the dairy cow
Excellence in breeding management underpins profitability on Irish dairy farms. However, multiple factors, influenced by nutrition, prior to the commencement of the breeding season will dictate its success. Maeve Regan BSc MSc,  Agritech Ireland, discusses how practical nutritional management influences the fertility of Irish dairy cows

June 2021

Providing adequate colostrum for foals and RVN’s role
Sinéad Farrell BSc VN, MSc, BSc (Hons) discusses some of the key issues around colostrum intake for foals

July 2021

Umbilical disinfection options in large animal neonates
A guide to umbilical disinfection options in large animal neonates by Dr Karen Dunne, PhD, MA, CertEM (StudMed), MVB, Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Animal Health, Dundalk Institute of Technology

September 2021

Better communication between vet and herd owner: a US perspective
Based in West Lafayette, in Indiana, W. Mark Hilton, DVM, PAS, DABVP (beef cattle), senior technical consultant, Elanco Animal Health, provides a US perspective on entrepreneurial approaches to a deeper understanding of the needs of the herd owner

October 2021

Could Rapidly Mutating PCV2 Be Causing Health and Production Issues, Even in The Face of Vaccination?
Porcine Circovirus Type Two (PCV2) nearly decimated the pig industry in the late 1990s/early 2000s, but fortunately the creation of PCV2 vaccines was the silver bullet the industry desperately needed. Now nearly 100 per cent of commercial pig producers vaccinate their piglets against PCV2, and vaccination applied correctly does mostly prevent clinical disease, however despite a high vaccination rate, the PCV2 virus is still endemic globally. Dr Laura Hancox BVetMed PhD MRCVS, National Veterinary Manager, Zoetis UK Ltd, asks if the protection provided by vaccination is sufficient to prevent clinical PCV2 associated disease (PCV-AD), and is the fact that PCV2 can still be found replicating in our commercial pig herds relevant?


January 2020

An introduction to ultraviolet and Vitamin D3 deficiency
Frances M Baines MA Vet MB MRCVS provides a comprehensive guide to ultraviolet light and vitamin D deficiency

February 2020

Milk fever and the dry cow diet – a hot topic for spring 2020
Milk fever was a main cause of vet visits to farms in spring 2019, writes Mary Kinston, PhD BSc

March 2020

Using learning theory to support vets in multiple teaching roles
Large animal editor Veterinary Ireland Journal, Frank O’Sullivan MVB MRCVS discusses why learning theories are the foundations of success for veterinarians in practice and teaching

April 2020

Lungworm – time to vaccinate
Sarah Campbell MVB MRCVS outlines three key aspects of lungworm control that veterinary practitioners should employ when advising on individual farm systems: immunisation; pasture management; and strategic dosing

May 2020

Overview of coccidiosis
By Peter D Constable BVSc (Hons) MS PhD DACVIM, College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Illinois explores coccidiosis, its diagnosis, treatment and prevention

June 2020

Nursing care of equine tracheostomy patients
Kayleigh Fagan BScVN RVN, Avenue Veterinary Hospital, shares insights into the equine tracheostomy procedure and the critical importance of post-operative monitoring and management of the patient

July 2020

Equine faecal egg counts _ their role in reducing anthelmintic resistance
Cara Heatley BSc, a veterinary nurse at Mourne Veterinary Clinic, Kilkeel, Co. Down provides a comprehensive account of the role of faecal egg counts in reducing anthelmintic resistance in horses

August 2020

Trends in genetic merit for dairy cow fertility
An acceleration in dairy cow genetic merit for fertility will change the type of reproductive interventions required on Irish dairy farms, writes George Ramsbottom, Teagasc Oak Park

September 2020

Equine gastric ulcer syndrome
Equine gastric ulcer syndrome is common and, therefore, should always be considered when caring for hospitalised horses as having a good understanding of this prevalent condition will allow for more effective management, writes Carly Gresak RVN BS

October 2020

Pressing the ‘reset’ button after Covid-19
Niamh McGill MVB looks at how human influences are affecting the world on a large and damaging scale, and specifically explores the impact of emerging infectious diseases

November 2020

Prescribing antibiotic dry-cow therapy in a changing landscape
The blanket use of antibiotic dry-cow therapy will no longer be the norm on Irish dairy farms, from January 2022, due to changes in EU regulations.  Aurelie Moralis DVM Cert DHH MRCVS explores the importance and purpose of the dry period, and looks at selective dry-cow therapy and how to implement it successfully

December 2020

Early diagnosis of BRD using clinical respiratory signs and thoracic ultrasonography
The impact of bovine respiratory disease is significant – economically and in terms of animal welfare. Inmaculada Cuevas-Gómez, Mark McGee and Bernadette Earley all from Teagasc, Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre discuss early diagnosis of the disease using clinical respiratory signs and thoracic ultrasonography


January 2019

Antimicrobial drug use in calves – implications for antimicrobial resistance
Dr Bernadette Earley, Dr Anastasio Arguello, and Dr Mark McGee from Teagasc Grange Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Co. Meath, and Aidan Murray, Teagasc, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal explore antimicrobial resistance implications on commercial beef and dairy farms in Ireland

February 2019

The multifaceted role of calcium in milk fever
John Lawlor, ruminant technical manager, Anchor Life Science Ltd, examines the multifaceted role that calcium plays in milk fever and its associated metabolic issues. A greater understanding of these factors may be one way to capitalise on the post-quota opportunities on Irish dairy farms, he writes

March 2019

The prevalence of Mycoplasma bovis on Irish cattle farms
Aurelie Moralis DVM Cert DHH MRCVS, national veterinary manager, Zoetis Ireland, assesses the prevalence of Mycoplasma bovis on Irish farms when controlling respiratory disease in youngstock

April 2019

Opportunities for the veterinary profession in the future of animal health
Demand for animal health is growing worldwide and Rob Kelly, president of international operations for Zoetis looks at role of the veterinary practitioner in satisfying that demand and the opportunities that exist for the profession

May 2019

Calf disbudding and castration
Bernadette Earley, Mark McGee, Edward G O’Riordan and Gabriela Marquette from Teagasc, Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, outline the details and finding of two studies relating to disbudding and castration

June 2019

Beef cattle reproductive management
It is strongly recommended that beef farmers should develop a specific breeding programme to produce high-quality stock. Federico Randi, global ruminants technical manager, Ceva Sante Animale, Libourne, France and Patrick Lonergan, School of Agriculture and Food Science, University College, Dublin, outline the reasons here

July 2019

Addressing the drop in milk solids during early lactation at grass
There is much discussion among dairy farmers about low butterfat levels in milk. A decline in butterfat percentages can be common during spring months when cows are grazing lush grass that is low in fibre and high in oil and sugars. However, this issue can continue into the summer for some herds, writes Richard Dudgeon, regional manager, Alltech Ireland

August 2019

Sheep scab – a disease overview
Dr Renée Lodder BVSc BCom MCRVS, technical veterinarian, Europe Bimeda Animal Health Ltd, gives a comprehensive overview of sheep scab, its diagnosis and treatment options

September 2019

Nursing care of the pregnant mare with laminitis
Shannon Brereton, BSc in Veterinary Nursing, Dundalk Institute of Technology, outlines the management and care of a pregnant mare with laminitis

October 2019

Preventing and managing dermatophytosis in the equine hospital

It is very important to fully understand the aetiology and pathogenesis of dermatophytosis to effectively prevent its spread within the equine hospital, writes Sarah Meub, Crowe’s Veterinary Clinic, Carrick-on-Shannon, and final-year veterinary nursing student at Dundalk Institute of Technology

November 2019

What can dairy farmers do to help reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance?
In this article, Finola McCoy, senior programme manager CellCheck, with the support of the Cellcheck Technical Working Group, explores some key questions around antibiotic resistance and why it is cause for concern


January 2018

Optimising herd-vaccination programmes: timing is key
Isabelle Truyers DVM DipECBHM, area veterinary manager, Zoetis, discusses basic principles of bovine immunology and vaccinology as well as factors impacting on the immune system function of periparturient cows that can affect the optimal timing for vaccination

February 2018

Feedback of slaughterhouse information (part 1)
In the first part of this article, Pat Kirwan MVB Cert Pig Medicine will focus on the feedback of slaughterhouse information and its significance from the perspective of the pig practitioner and the pig farmer

March 2018

Feedback of slaughterhouse information – practical steps (part 2)
In the second part of this article, Pat Kirwan MVB Cert Pig Medicine, looks at the slaughter process as it applies to the pig industry and the information that can be gathered at both ante- and post-mortem by the temporary veterinary inspector at pig-slaughter facilities

April 2018

Colostrum-period management: impact on goat kids’ body weight and immune system
The effect of colostrum-period management on the mmune system of small ruminant neonates, from birth to slaughter, is outlined by Anastasio Argüello DVM PhD and Noemí Castro DVM PhD, members of the Animal Production and Biotechnology Group, Institute of Animal Health and Food Safety, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

May 2018

Beef-cattle production: feed efficiency
Mark McGee BAgrSc PhD, Eddie O’Riordan BAgrSc PhD, David Kenny BAgrSc PhD, and Aidan Moloney BSc PhD, Teagasc, AGRIC, Grange, Dunsany, Co Meath, outline the recent developments in cost-efficient feed for beef-cattle production

June 2018

Communication in the veterinary practice
Frank O Sullivan MVB MSc (applied food science) MRCVS; and Cillian O Sullivan BA MSc organisational psychology graduate, discuss communication skills and the vets changing role in society

July 2018

Welfare issues during the dry period in dairy cattle
The dry period is critically important for the welfare of dairy cows and their production in the following lactation; Eva Mainau BVSc MSc PhD Dip ECAWBM, Deborah Temple BVSc MSc PhD Dip ECAWBM, Pol Llonch BVSc MSc PhD Dip ECAWBM, Xavier Manteca BVSc MSc PhD Dip ECAWBM, Farm Animal Welfare Education Centre, Barcelona, Spain, present an overview of the risks and issues associated with animal welfare in relation to this period

August 2018

Cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation of the foal
Post-partum cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation of the foal is outlined by Emma Conlon, veterinary nursing student and Karen Dunne MA CertEM (StudMed) MVB, veterinary nursing lecturer, Dundalk Institute of Technology

September 2018

Behaviour techniques to help the needle-shy equine patient overcome its non-compliance
Náoimh McCann, BSc in Veterinary Nursing, Department of Applied Sciences, Dundalk Institute of Technology, outlines some practical tips in the management of needle-shy horses

October 2018

Bovine caesareans: alternative approaches to difficult cases
Emmet Kelly MVB and European College Resident in Ruminant Reproduction, University College Dublin, and Eoin Ryan MVB MVM, diplomate of the European College of Bovine Health Management and assistant professor in Farm Animal Clinical Studies, University College Dublin, outline alternative approaches to bovine caesarean

November 2018

The role of Manuka honey in second intention healing of wounds of the equine distal limb
Studies have shown that Manuka honey has potential to significantly accelerate wound healing, writes Ciara R Kennedy RVN, Village V

December 2018

The role of the veterinarian in European farming of the future
Dramatic changes are predicted for European agriculture by 2050, and beyond. This month, Veterinary Ireland Journal’s large-animal editor, Frank O’Sullivan MVB MSc (Food Science) MRCVS, considers opportunities that are available for veterinarians and the ways the veterinary profession must evolve to be relevant


January 2017

Mastitis control in robotic milking systems
Peter Edmondson, UdderWise Ltd, Shepton Mallet, UK, outlines how robots are becoming more common as a way of milking cows improving the farmer's quality of life and helping with labour issues

February 2017

Calf rearing: the first 60 days
Charles Chavasse BMVS CertDHH MRCVS, area veterinary manager, Zoetis, discusses the importance of the first 60 days in a calf's life and how private veterinary practitioners can help

March 2017

Large animal use in science and education
Jane Lenehan, veterinary officer, Health Products Regulatory Authority, discusses the regulation of the use of large animals for scientific, research and educational purposes

April 2017

Pain management in cattle
Maura Langan MVB, veterinary adviser, Norbrook Laboratories Ltd, Monaghan, discusses identifying, managing and grading the different types of pain in farm animals

May 2017

Investigating poor reproductive performance in suckler herds – are we missing a trick?
Isabelle Truyers DVM DipECBHM, area veterinary manager, Zoetis, discusses the stepwise investigation of poor reproductive performance in suckler herds, bovine venereal campylobacteriosis as a differential diagnosis, and how to optimise success with synchronisation and artificial insemination

June 2017

Mycoplasma bovis
Catherine Carty MVB MRCVS, resident in bovine health management, section of Herd Health and Animal Husbandry, University College Dublin’s outlines the prevalence of Mycoplasma bovis in cattle in Ireland

July 2017

Pneumonia in calves
Novel bacteria potentially associated with pneumonia in calves is examined by
Dayle Johnston,1,2 Paul Cormican,1 Gerard Murray,3 David Kenny,1 Sinéad Waters,1 Mark McGee,4 Alan Kelly,2 Matthew McCabe1 and Bernadette Earley1

August 2017

Hyperlipaemia and the asinine patient
The role of the veterinary nurse in the ongoing blood analysis of an asinine patient with hyperlipaemia is outlined by Owen Levins, veterinary nurse, Dundalk Institute of Technology

September 2017

Ovine abortion: an overview
Emmet Kelly MVB, ECAR (European College of Animal Reproduction) resident in farm animal reproduction in University College Dublin (UCD) gives a detailed over view on ovine abortion

October 2017

Geriatric dentistry
Neil Townsend MSc BVSc Cert ES (Soft Tissue) DipECVS DipEVDC (Equine) MRCVS
Three Counties Equine Hospital, Tewkesbury, UK presents an overview on geriatric dentistry in horses

November 2017

Effective risk communication for the food industry
The importance of effective risk communication in the food industry is outlined by
Frank O’Sullivan MVB MSc, large animal editor, Veterinary Ireland Journal; and Cillian O’Sullivan BA MSc, organisational psychology graduate

December 2017

Molybdenosis in calves
The pathophysiology of molybdenosis in both dairy and suckler calves is outlined by Conor G McAloon PhD MVB DipECBHM MRCVS, Catherine Carty MVB DipECBHM MRCVS, and Finbar Mulligan MAgrSc PhD Ass DipECVCN, University College Dublin


January 2016

Low milk fat in grazing dairy cows
Optimising milk solids output per cow during the lactation period is a key driver of farm profitability, writes Catherine Carty MVB, resident in bovine health management and Dr Finbar Mulligan, BAgrSc, MAgrSc, PhD, senior lecturer, Section of Herd Health and Animal Husbandry, University College Dublin

February 2016

Mastitis and the link to infertility
Mastitis and infertility are the two most common disease complexes in dairy cattle worldwide. Both are major reasons for culling and have profound negative effects on the profitability of a farm, writes Lucy Metcalfe BVSc DipECEIM GCertVPM MRCVS

March 2016

From traditional farm practitioner to herd health advocate: key principles
Mastitis and infertility are the two most common disease complexes in dairy cattle worldwide. Both are major reasons for culling and have profound negative effects on the profitability of a farm, writes Lucy Metcalfe BVSc DipECEIM GCertVPM MRCVS

April 2016

In what sense does animal welfare have an economic value?
Improving animal welfare has an inevitable economic cost, so it is important to confront decisions about the standard of their conditions, writes John McInerney OBE BSc (Agric) Hons MA PhD NDA FRSA FRASE, Emeritus Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of Exeter, with acknowledgement to Boehringher Ingelheim

May 2016

The role of the veterinary laboratory in achieving and maintaining improved herd health
Improving animal welfare has an inevitable economic cost, so it is important to confront decisions about the standard of their conditions, writes John McInerney OBE BSc (Agric) Hons MA PhD NDA FRSA FRASE, Emeritus Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of Exeter, with acknowledgement to Boehringher Ingelheim

June 2016

The incidence and importance of milk leakage in the dry cow
Ana Isabel de Prado, Corporate Technical Manager, Ceva Santé Animale, France, outlines risks, management and udder health when handling milk leakage in the dry cow

July 2016

The unpredictable epidemiology of Dictyocaulus viviparus lungworm infection of cattle
Neil Sargison, University of Edinburgh, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Easter Bush Veterinary Centre, Roslin, Midlothian, UK, discusses the debilitating effects, management and treatment of lungworm

August 2016

Understanding the environmental impact on animal housing and health
Jamie Robertson, Honorary Research Fellow, University of Aberdeen discusses diagnosis in animals where their living environment is a risk factor

September 2016

Milk Quality Academy Review
Catherine Carty MVB and Lucy Metcalfe BVSc DipECEIM GCertVPM MRCVS review the recent inaugural Milk Quality Academy meeting

October 2016

Prevention of neonatal calf diarrhoea on beef suckler farms
W Mark Hilton DVM PAS DABVP (beef cattle practice), Elanco Animal Health, US, outlines the causes and prevention methods used to prevent neonatal calf diarrhoea

November 2016

Minimising stress of weaning of beef calves
Improving animal welfare via understanding the physiological stress of weaning of beef calves, is outlined by Dr Bernadette Earley and Dr Mark McGee, Teagasc, Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre (AGRIC), Grange, Co Meath

December 2016

Transition cow management
Catherine Carty MVB and Professor Finbar Mulligan, School of Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin, outline the critical period before and directly after calving for the health of the dairy cow